You may be familiar with the drill: Get on the bus — or the train — and get out the ticket. The paper one, the one that gets punched (yes, that’s still a thing!) or gets put in the slot to log your fare and is...
A new all-in one credit card has stepped into the market, hoping to tap into the base of consumers who enjoy using a credit card, but would like a slightly digitally upgraded version. Stratos has recently raised $5.8 million to bring their take on the...
Target is fast-tracking a $100 million smart card program, with a goal to have the program fully operational by early 2015. Target’s chief financial officer, John Mulligan, announced the move in an op-ed published by The Hill prior to his appearance before the Senate Judiciary...
December 12, 2019
U.K. FinTech startup Curve has widened its range of wearables by partnering with Garmin, Fitbit and Sony’s Wena pay, Curve said in a press release on Thursday (Dec. 12). The banking platform enables its customers to roll all of their payment and banking cards into a single smart card and app. With this announcement, people […]
October 13, 2014
A new all-in one credit card has stepped into the market, hoping to tap into the base of consumers who enjoy using a credit card, but would like a slightly...