Telemedicine/page/2 news and trends

How Gen AI Helped Healthcare Get Smarter
artificial intelligence // December 27, 2023

The intersection of healthcare and artificial intelligence (AI) was one of 2023’s most exciting storylines. Across sector-critical areas including medical imaging and pathology, telemedicine, personalized patient engagement, new drug discovery, remote monitoring, administrative tasks and EHR (electronic health record) data entry, even clinical decisioning and beyond, innovative software...

How Connected Devices and AI Transform Community-Based Healthcare Delivery
Healthcare // December 27, 2023

Technical innovations are radically transforming care delivery, and none more so than artificial intelligence (AI). But historically, and for too long, the application of cutting-edge innovations has been mostly the purview of concierge care and the higher end of the healthcare marketplace. Part of the...

Healthcare’s iPhone Moment: Why Scaling AI-Powered Care Requires a Unified OS
Healthcare // December 08, 2023

From diagnostics to care delivery, artificial intelligence (AI) would appear to be tailor-made for healthcare. And in fact, it’s already had a substantial impact on the industry — just not the one we’d imagine, or hope for. “AI has been revolutionizing medicine over the last...

SmileDirectClub Saga Illustrates Promise and Peril of Direct-to-Consumer Retail Models
Business // December 07, 2023

In business, as in life, there are no guarantees of success. And to put a twist on an observation by poet Robert Burns, the best laid plans of digital, app-driven platforms looking to upend the way things have always been done … can go astray....

Interviews & Exclusives
How Connected Devices and AI Transform Community-Based Healthcare Delivery

December 27, 2023
Technical innovations are radically transforming care delivery, and none more so than artificial intelligence (AI). But historically, and for too long, the application of cutting-edge innovations has been mostly the purview of concierge care and the higher end of the healthcare marketplace. Part of the promise of AI is the innovative technology’s ability to democratize […]

Healthcare’s iPhone Moment: Why Scaling AI-Powered Care Requires a Unified OS

December 08, 2023
From diagnostics to care delivery, artificial intelligence (AI) would appear to be tailor-made for healthcare. And in fact, it’s already had a substantial impact on the industry — just not...

The Virtual Doctor Will See You Now: 40% of Consumers Embrace Telemedicine

July 19, 2023
First popularized as a replacement for in-person healthcare visits during the pandemic, telemedicine has since found a more permanent footing for patients. The steady rate of consumers participating in at...

Telemedicine’s Post-COVID Evolution Paves Way for Digital Therapies, Diagnostics

July 14, 2022
Catapulted from relative obscurity to mainstream status by COVID-19, telemedicine has obvious limitations in treating disease, but the emerging world of digital therapeutics is changing that. This nascent field is...

Quick Reads
VerifiNow Launches Biometric Identity Solution for Telehealth Providers

February 26, 2024
VerifiNow has launched a patient identity verification solution for telehealth providers. PatientVerifi is designed to meet the need for secure patient identity verification in virtual healthcare, the technology company focused on digital identity verification said in a Monday (Feb. 26) press release. “With advanced biometric checkpoints, PatientVerifi ensures accurate patient authentication and effectively reduces the […]

Telemedicine Market Projected to Reach $450 Billion by 2032

November 05, 2023
Already a multibillion-dollar industry, telemedicine’s value is projected to jump fivefold in nine years. That’s according to a recent report by Emergen Research, showing the global telehealth market reaching around $450 billion...

Organic Payment Gateways Opens Door to Telemedicine Payments

August 16, 2022
Organic Payment Gateways (OPG), a company that helps CBD, supplement and wellness businesses process online payments, is expanding into the world of telemedicine. As the Maine company said in a...

Amazon to Buy One Medical for $3.9B to Expand Healthcare Offerings

July 21, 2022
Retail behemoth Amazon is expanding its healthcare offerings with the acquisition of tech-powered primary care provider One Medical, according to the company Thursday (July 21). Amazon will acquire One Medical for...