Text To Speech news and trends

Alexa Researchers Reveal Pros Of NTTS Training On Multiple Speakers
Alexa // April 29, 2019

Scientists at Amazon’s Alexa division are set to present the first systematic study detailing the advantages of neural text-to-speech (NTTS) systems from multiple speakers. The study revealed in tests involving 70 listeners that a model trained on 5,000 utterances from seven different speakers resulted in...

Amazon Releases Eight New Voices For Alexa
Alexa // May 17, 2018

Starting on Wednesday (May 16), developers can apply to participate in a preview that allows the use of eight Amazon Polly U.S. English voices for Alexa skills. “This new capability can help you enrich your skill’s experience, making it more engaging for customers,” Amazon executive...

Making Voice Assistants Allies In Health
Voice Activation // September 01, 2017

Orbita CEO Bill Rogers has a relative with dementia. As dementia patients often do, she repeats a lot of the same questions, and it drives her aging husband crazy. But there’s someone who’s happy to answer those questions as many times as she asks, and...

Google Tracker: Doing Gooooooood
Google // August 22, 2017

While America was busy watching the solar eclipse (hopefully with the appropriate protective eyewear), Google rolled out its new Android OS and created the world’s first crowdsourced “Eclipse Megamovie” using footage from across the U.S. Google and its parent company Alphabet are also ramping up...

Quick Reads
Microsoft Unveils Text-to-Speech Avatar Azure AI Speech

November 15, 2023
Microsoft has announced the public preview release of Azure AI Speech, technology that allows users to create talking avatar videos with text input and build real-time interactive bots using human images. The text-to-speech avatar is a new feature with vision capabilities that empowers customers to generate synthetic videos of a 2D photorealistic avatar speaking, Azure […]

Alexa Researchers Reveal Pros Of NTTS Training On Multiple Speakers

April 29, 2019
Scientists at Amazon’s Alexa division are set to present the first systematic study detailing the advantages of neural text-to-speech (NTTS) systems from multiple speakers. The study revealed in tests involving...