Ad Revenue news and trends

Social Platforms and PayFacs Now Power the Creator Economy
Social Commerce // April 19, 2024

Whether it’s a viral Instagram post, an informative YouTube video, or a thought-provoking blog article, content creators are playing a pivotal role in shaping online narratives, engaging audiences and driving business outcomes in the connected economy.  In response to this growing trend, there has been...

Creators Unsure About X’s Revenue Potential as Numbers Drop
Social Commerce // March 24, 2024

Elon Musk’s attempts to woo creators onto X is reportedly an uphill battle. As The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Sunday (March 24), Musk met with creators soon after acquiring the social media platform — then still known as Twitter — to find out how at make them...

X Sees Quarterly Ad Revenue Drop Amid Content Moderation Concerns
Social Commerce // December 12, 2023

X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, is reportedly facing a slump in advertising revenue this year. The social media platform has been generating about $600 million in ad revenue per quarter this year, a decline from the over $1 billion per quarter...

Twitter Ad Revenue Plummets 59% Amid Hate Speech Concerns
Social Commerce // June 05, 2023

Twitter reportedly continues to shed advertisers amid a rise in hate speech on the platform. In the five weeks from April 1 to the first week of May, ad revenue was $88 million, a 59% decrease from the same period a year earlier, The New...

Interviews & Exclusives
Social Platforms and PayFacs Now Power the Creator Economy

April 19, 2024
Whether it’s a viral Instagram post, an informative YouTube video, or a thought-provoking blog article, content creators are playing a pivotal role in shaping online narratives, engaging audiences and driving business outcomes in the connected economy.  In response to this growing trend, there has been a notable rise in the market for tools and services […]

Quick Reads
Creators Unsure About X’s Revenue Potential as Numbers Drop

March 24, 2024
Elon Musk’s attempts to woo creators onto X is reportedly an uphill battle. As The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Sunday (March 24), Musk met with creators soon after acquiring the social media platform — then still known as Twitter — to find out how at make them happy. He also wanted to know how YouTube draws in […]

X Sees Quarterly Ad Revenue Drop Amid Content Moderation Concerns

December 12, 2023
X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, is reportedly facing a slump in advertising revenue this year. The social media platform has been generating about $600 million in...

Twitter Ad Revenue Plummets 59% Amid Hate Speech Concerns

June 05, 2023
Twitter reportedly continues to shed advertisers amid a rise in hate speech on the platform. In the five weeks from April 1 to the first week of May, ad revenue...

Google’s Reliance On Travel Ads Dents US Ad Revenue

June 23, 2020
Google‘s U.S. ad revenue is about to take a fall due to the decline in spending from many companies tightening their belts during the pandemic, Reuters reports. An eMarketer report...