Terry Schalow is the executive director of the Running Industry Association (RIA). In addition to working toward its general mission of moving the sport and hobby forward, the RIA functions as a trade and advocacy group for independent running specialty stores, the huge majority of...
Bostonians take their running seriously. Boston is home to the world’s “statement race” — the Boston Marathon. There was a time when you trained there if you considered yourself a serious runner, although Kenya has taken that spot. And although Runner’s World magazine had the...
Boston-based athletic company New Balance has a simple mission: to become the world’s best running brand. Well, a simple mission to state, anyway — certainly not an easy one to achieve, since (pardon the pun we aren’t even remotely sorry for) it’s a pretty tight...
The future may be bright, as they say, but figuring out millennials is a running task. With millennials being the future, much research has been done to figure out how they think, what they want and how they purchase and pay for things. They’re buying...
February 17, 2020
Bostonians take their running seriously. Boston is home to the world’s “statement race” — the Boston Marathon. There was a time when you trained there if you considered yourself a serious runner, although Kenya has taken that spot. And although Runner’s World magazine had the nerve to rank it No. 3 in the best running […]