Yf/page/21 news and trends

Google Pay Expands BNPL and Says Goodbye to the CVV With Biometrics 
Google // May 22, 2024

A week after Visa threw down the payments gauntlet with a series of announcements that merged the physical and digital worlds, Google took its turn at bat today (May 22), adding three new features to Google Pay.  According to Google Pay Vice President and General...

Visa Recasts Digital Wallet Landscape at Intersection of Identity and Payments
VISA // May 15, 2024

Throughout history, the number seven has held significant importance. There are seven days of the week, seven colors in a rainbow, the “lucky sevens” when playing the slots, and it is the number of things that experts say people can easily remember.  It’s also the...

Federal Judge Blocks CFPB Rule Limiting Credit Card Late Fees
Credit Cards // May 10, 2024

The government’s new rule that would limit credit card late fees has been blocked by a federal judge in Texas. In a Friday (May 10) decision, Judge Mark Pittman of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District granted an injunction that halts the restrictions. ...

Inflation and Pinched Consumer Wallets Dominate Q1 Earnings
Earnings // May 01, 2024

If there’s a theme for retailers this earnings season, and especially for dining, it might be crystallized in the comments this week from McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski, who told analysts: “Consumers continue to be even more discriminating with every dollar that they spend as they...

Interviews & Exclusives
Inflation and Pinched Consumer Wallets Dominate Q1 Earnings

May 01, 2024
If there’s a theme for retailers this earnings season, and especially for dining, it might be crystallized in the comments this week from McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski, who told analysts: “Consumers continue to be even more discriminating with every dollar that they spend as they faced elevated prices in their day-to-day spending.” He was referring, […]

Digital and Delivery Shape Up as Grocery’s Newest Battlegrounds

November 06, 2023
The digital shift is forging new battlegrounds for the grocery segment. For the platforms and the giants of retail — Amazon and Walmart among them, along with DoorDash — the...

Earnings Season Shows Card Delinquencies ‘Normalizing,’ but What Comes Next?

October 27, 2023
In the parlance of these times, and as earnings season commentary has pointed out, time and again: Consumer credit is normalizing. The question remains, however, as to what comes next....

AI’s Cost Curve Has Big Tech Losing Money

October 12, 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the imagination of some of the world’s largest companies. It has also captured a sizable portion of their spending — without giving much back. Big...

Quick Reads
Federal Judge Blocks CFPB Rule Limiting Credit Card Late Fees

May 10, 2024
The government’s new rule that would limit credit card late fees has been blocked by a federal judge in Texas. In a Friday (May 10) decision, Judge Mark Pittman of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District granted an injunction that halts the restrictions.  The restrictions had been adopted by the Consumer Financial Protection […]

Venmo No Longer Accepted on Amazon in January

December 07, 2023
Amazon is set to stop taking payments via PayPal-owned Venmo in the coming weeks. “Due to recent changes, Venmo can no longer be added as a payment method,” Venmo said on its website Thursday (Dec....

ACI Worldwide: US to See ‘Fourfold’ Increase in Real-Time Payments

August 03, 2023
With the expanded use of the new FedNow service, real-time payments software company ACI Worldwide expects to see instant payments use rapidly grow in the U.S. “We’re currently working with many domestic...

UK Antitrust Investigation of Apple Stopped After Appeal Win

March 31, 2023
A United Kingdom regulator’s investigation of Apple has been halted. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) had decided to investigate the supply of mobile browsers and browser engines and the distribution of...