Location Sharing news and trends

Instagram Developing Opt-In Feature for Sharing Location With Others
Social Commerce // February 26, 2024

Instagram is reportedly developing a feature that will allow users to track the real-time locations of their friends. This “Friend Map” feature is still in the prototype stage and not yet being tested externally, TechCrunch reported Monday (Feb. 26). The idea behind the Friend Map is to give...

New Data: Consumers Want Banks To Use Location Data To Keep Accounts, Transactions Fraud-Free
Fraud Prevention // November 30, 2020

Smartphones have become a ubiquitous part of life for consumers around the globe. They use their mobile devices for everything from checking the weather to posting on social media to pulling up real-time maps and using them to navigate to new destinations. Many of these...

Uber Adds Live Location Sharing To App
uber of x // November 21, 2017

Uber is preparing for the busy holiday travel season by adding more features to its ride-hailing app. According to a news report in TechCrunch, one of the larger changes to the Uber app is the ability to engage in live location sharing, which enables you...

Facebook Tracker: And The Kitchen Sink
Facebook // April 04, 2017

April showers bring May flowers, but April trading has brought Facebook (FB) prices down a bit. FB got a little boost to new heights at the end of March following a track of steady growth in the first few months of 2017. The stock hit...

Interviews & Exclusives
New Data: Consumers Want Banks To Use Location Data To Keep Accounts, Transactions Fraud-Free

November 30, 2020
Smartphones have become a ubiquitous part of life for consumers around the globe. They use their mobile devices for everything from checking the weather to posting on social media to pulling up real-time maps and using them to navigate to new destinations. Many of these activities are made possible by location sharing, which allows users […]

Facebook Tracker: And The Kitchen Sink

April 04, 2017
April showers bring May flowers, but April trading has brought Facebook (FB) prices down a bit. FB got a little boost to new heights at the end of March following...

Alphabet Tracker: Offensive Content

March 30, 2017
Alphabet stock (GOOG) took a turn for the worse shortly after our last tracker. While GOOG was breaking through to all-time highs, peaking well above $870 on St. Patrick’s Day,...

Quick Reads
Instagram Developing Opt-In Feature for Sharing Location With Others

February 26, 2024
Instagram is reportedly developing a feature that will allow users to track the real-time locations of their friends. This “Friend Map” feature is still in the prototype stage and not yet being tested externally, TechCrunch reported Monday (Feb. 26). The idea behind the Friend Map is to give users the ability to choose who can see their location, […]

Uber Adds Live Location Sharing To App

November 21, 2017
Uber is preparing for the busy holiday travel season by adding more features to its ride-hailing app. According to a news report in TechCrunch, one of the larger changes to...

Alphabet Tracker: Offensive Content

March 30, 2017
Alphabet stock (GOOG) took a turn for the worse shortly after our last tracker. While GOOG was breaking through to all-time highs, peaking well above $870 on St. Patrick’s Day,...

Facebook Messenger Debuts Real-Time Location Sharing

March 28, 2017
Facebook rolled out a new feature for its Messenger app on Monday (March 27) that enables users to share their locations for up to an hour. According to a report...